Jane Bennett
Academic Partner
John Hopkins University
Jane Bennett is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities at Johns Hopkins University. Her recent essays have appeared in Grain/Vapor/Ray (Odradek and the end of the world), Evental Aesthetics (Vital Materialism), MLN (mimesis), LA+:Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture, and Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung (walking). She is the author of Influx & Efflux: Writing up with Walt Whitman (2020); Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things (2010); The Enchantment of Modern Life (2001); Thoreau’s Nature (1994), and Unthinking Faith and Enlightenment, (1987). She is currently working on notions of a creative cosmos, in Lucretius and Taoist philosophies.