The Leonardo opened in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 8, 2011 to fulfill its mission to fuse science, technology and art in experiences that inspire creativity and innovation in people of all ages. In 2010 the Museum commissioned Philip Beesley and his collaborators within the Living Architecture Systems Group to install the Hylozoic Veil project, integrating large portions of the widely acclaimed Hylozoic Ground project installed at the 2010 Venice Biennale for Architecture. At the Leonardo this project now acts as a public centerpiece and research centre.
Type: Institutional Partner
Riverside Architectural Press
Riverside Architectural Press is an independent publishing house associated with the University of Waterloo School of Architecture in Cambridge, Ontario. The Press has produced numerous publications over the last eight years, including ten volumes for the Canadian Design Research Network/Design Research Canada, Responsive Architectures: Subtle Technologies, and the DX edition, Ourtopias: Cities and the role of design. Publications developed with international research partners include Euphoria and Dystopia: The Banff New Media Institute Dialogues (OCADU, Banff Centre); Material Matters and CITAWorks (CITA/Royal Danish Academy; Fabricate (Bartlett/UCL). With the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) the press has produced three groups of publications including the 2013 Adaptive Architecture ACADIA 2013 suite of Proceedings, Unconventional Computing: Methodologies for Adaptive Architecture, and Prototyping Architecture; the 2007 Expanding Bodies: Art, Cities, Environment conference Proceedings, and the 2004 Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture conference suite including Digital Fabricators and Evolving Tools.
The Innovation Collaborative
The Innovation Collaborative is a Washington, CD-based national collaboration of representatives from leading arts, science, humanities and higher education institutions. Membership includes representatives from: national Art Educators Association, National Association of Gifted Children, National Science Teachers Association, Americans for the Arts, Association of Science-Technology Museums, The Exploratorium, Young Adult Library Services Association, Drexel University, Michigan State University, and the University of Texas at Dallas.
The Collaborative serves as a US national forum to foster creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning. It identifies and disseminates information about the many ways that effective integration of the arts, sciences, humanities, engineering, and the use of technology reinforces teaching and incorporates lifelong learning in both in-school (formal) and out-of-school (informal) settings. The goals underpinning all Collaborative work are:
- Researching the various uses interfaces of the arts, sciences and humanities in K-12 and informal learning
- Developing a toolkit of best practices at these intersections
- Communicating the important possibilities of these intersections
- Convening leading researchers in the fields of the arts, sciences, humanities, formal and informal learning, and cognition to support the Collaborative’s mission and to inform the public
Subtle Technologies
Subtle Technologies is a Toronto-based platform for community building and knowledge sharing at the intersection of art, science and technology. Our annual festival invites a curious public to engage with ideas at the leading-edge of Canadian creativity while acting as a physical node for collaboration and exchange between diverse communities working across disciplines. Through strategic partnerships we program year-round ‘satellite’ events that educate and incubate the next generation of makers and thinkers. We also provide support and consultation to projects generated by those encounters.